Banner of Room Green Mountains. Back to Homepage. I support Rep. Barbara Lee Congresswoman ( D-California ) . "I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States," she said.

Welcome to Room "Green Mountains"

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Page "Virtual-ON the Battlefield in C.I.S." is move to Room "Moon Gate".

I was given the C.G. to memorialize 1000hits from Mr. SAWANO, Tsuri.


English version is under construction.

Recommendation, Introduction and Impression

The comics and video games that I recommend are introduced here. And I write impressions, too.

Kafuu's Sunday Carpentry

My ideas and my works are introduced here.

Scribbles Book

I began to study the technique of drewing paintings. C.G. given by customers are kept here, too.


This is a message board. If you write your impression and footprint here, I am glad.


This is the rules of this room. Please understand them.

This is the banner of Room "Green Mountains". If you need the smaller edition, please read "Warnings".
About the link rules, please read "Warnings".

Copyright 1998-2025 MURAKUMO, Kafuu. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.
管理人からの一言 : 自衛隊が何百人死のうとも、イラクとイラクの人々を傷つけずに帰国しますよう、祈ります。
戦争のつくりかた」 「夕凪の街 桜の国」 発売中