Banner of Room Next World. Back to Homepage. I support Rep. Barbara Lee Congresswoman ( D-California ) . "I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States," she said.

Opinions Columns

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Code switching to Nipponia

The opinions and dissatisfactions and questions which I usually think are written here.

And please write in reaction for these opinions at Complaints Box.

About preparation for 2000 years problem

It is Anno Domini 2000 years soon. The time which we should pay accounts for our having given computers only information of lower two places until now is close at hand. All people using computers must pay accounts. And we must work out measures. Therefore I want to suggest a preparation.

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管理人からの一言 : 自衛隊が何百人死のうとも、イラクとイラクの人々を傷つけずに帰国しますよう、祈ります。
戦争のつくりかた」 「夕凪の街 桜の国」 発売中